Cryptocurrency Market is highly volatile compare to the traditional stock market, if you can manage the trading in this volatility, you definitely earn at least 10% profit on each transaction.
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Can you make at least 10% profit in Cryptocurrency trading every day? |
Can you make at least 10% profit in Cryptocurrency trading every day?
High volatility creates opportunities to make profit on each transaction because changes in prices enable traders to buy cryptocurrencies at low and sell at high price or “short” a stock they expect to decrease in price.
Here we will discuss the key points to make it possible
based on our experience and extensive study of volatility in Crypto
Sentiment kills the analyst
We have observed that the crypto market
primarily operates on sentiment and not analysis. As most countries do not
accept financial transactions in virtual currencies, there is always a question
mark about the future of cryptocurrency. As the future of
cryptocurrencies is unclear, there is always extreme volatility
and when markets swing between extreme highs and lows, investors can place more
bets by predicting continued fluctuations, resulting in turn greater price
volatility, many investors begin to sell because of the fear factor. This fear
factor and negative sentiment gives smart investors the opportunity to buy low
and make at least 10% profit on the same day by taking advantage
of surges. Do not wait to recover in the green, you must fix your % profit and
take advantage of the volatility.
World leader’s tweets fluctuate the crypto market
It's very interesting, world leaders including big
investors and politicians commenting on the future of cryptocurrencies,
their statements are not one-way, they change their statement several times,
might be they are deliberately creating panic or stimulate the crypto market
for a while to profit.
As the future of crypto is uncertain and the
crypto markets are driven by emotions, there is always volatility that jumps
both ways. This gives opportunity to investors to make a profit.
High Volatility in Crypto market due to news flow
There is no proper answer to a question, i.e. is Bitcoin /
cryptocurrency legal or illegal? As tax authorities, enforcement
agencies and regulators around the world still debate best practices.
Cryptocurrencies are legal in some countries and illegal in others, so it mainly depends on the location and
activity of the user. Although cryptocurrencies are legal in some
countries, their use is limited. Therefore, these currencies are only
virtual assets and not physical and are not accepted in financial transactions.
It is also advantageous and disadvantageous that cryptocurrencies
are not issued, approved or regulated by any central bank. Instead, it is
created through a computer-generated process known as mining and they are not tied
to any government, as it is a peer-to-peer payment system. Since Bitcoin/
cryptocurrencies do not exist in physical form, they allow you to
transact cross-border without currency exchange fees.
Countries such as the United States,
Canada, Australia, European Union countries, El Salvador accept that
cryptocurrencies are legal but countries such as China, India, Russia, Vietnam,
Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador do not allow financial transactions in
cryptocurrencies, even some countries that they are completely prohibited
cryptocurrencies due to their volatility, decentralized nature, perceived
threat to current monetary systems, and their links to illicit activities such
as drug trafficking and money laundering. Some countries have banned
Cryptocurrency altogether, while others have attempted to cut off all support
from the banking and financial system essential to its trade and use.
uncertainty is always a headline for the News media and it helps make the
crypto market volatile.
How to earn at least 10% profit every day in Crypto market
Cryptocurrencies have been around for a long time and
will never disappear from the world. The countries that have banned cryptocurrencies
or the countries that they have not totally banned but do not support and have
tried to cut all support from the banking and financial system essential to its
trade, they cannot resist people to trade. Countries that have not banned cryptocurrencies
but do not support them and have attempted to cut support from the banking and
financial system will not declare crypto illegal because these countries
collect income taxes.
Just as the total ban on tobacco consumption in the
country will result in loss of revenue for the government, cryptocurrencies
will never be totally banned as they also become a source of revenue for the
You can take advantage of the volatility of the crypto
market due to sentiment, news feed and tweets from world leaders and
make profits every day. If you watch the market daily, you will find that there
is a clear volatility of around 15-20% in most cryptocurrencies. There may be
less volatility in high value coins, but more in small to medium value coins.
Follow the simple steps below to earn at least 10%
profit in the crypto market
Option 1
1. Select the most volatile coins of the day. i.e. the
top 10 loser or winner
2. Place a buy order 12% less than the current value. or
6% less than the low value for the day.
3. The market is volatile in the middle of the night or
in the morning of Asian countries. Place your order explained in point 2 and
have a rest, wait for the order to be executed.
4. Don't trade for just one coin, you need to invest
your money on at least 6-7 coins so that at least the trade can be done for 2-3
coins as you want.
5. Upon successful execution of the order, immediately
proceed to the sell order at 11% profit. Do not expect and hungry for more
6. Take advantage of the profit once the sell order is
Option 2
1. Study the market for 2-3 days and list 10-15 highly
volatile cryptocurrencies and add them to your favorite folder / mark them as
favorites in your trading exchange.
2. Place the buy order 15% to 20% less than the current
value and wait for execution.
3. Do not order for a single coin, you must place this
order for at least 7-8 coins most volatile of the day.
4. Once the order is executed, immediately place the
sell order with a profit of 11%.
Be patient and control your greed to win, if you fail to
execute the order at the desired value, wait 1-2 days to cover the profit and
try again.
information provided on this website is for educational and entertainment
purposes and does not constitute investment advice, financial advice or trading
advice. This website editor does not recommend purchasing any cryptocurrency.
Crypto markets are highly volatile and crypto investments are risky. Readers
should do their own research on cryptocurrencies and consult their financial
adviser before making any crypto investments.
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