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Yoga and Meditation benefits: Reduce stress, anxiety, depression scientifically

Reduce stress – scientific way of doing Yoga and Meditation
Benefits of Yoga and meditation - reduces stress and depression

Yoga and Meditation benefits: Reduce stress, anxiety, depression scientifically

Yoga and meditation can reduce the stress, anxiety and depression caused by the modern lifestyle and the race for victory. As yoga and meditation do not take much time and nowadays all the information is available on Internet social networks, the practice in all age groups is more and more widespread. It becomes the most effective practice for reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and tension.
Yoga and meditation help improve physical and mental health, but the practice of yoga is very popular as it includes physical and respiratory exercises.
Meditation is part of yoga and yoga is traditionally part of meditation because both are related to the mind, yoga is about the mind. The word "Yoga" means "to connect" and therefore what we really do is try to connect the mind by being fully present in every action and at every moment. Often times we come to understand yoga, just like training or concentrating on the poses is about making the body sweaty and strong, but that is not true at all.
Here we discuss all the scientific benefits of yoga and meditation including benefits of stress, anxiety, depression, and tension relief.

How Yoga and Meditation reduces stress, anxiety and depression scientifically

The brain is the central processing unit and always tries to balance our mental and physical state of the body. Research has shown that when we are in stress, anxiety and depression, it is associated with an increase in the level of the hormone, "cortisol", and is responsible for producing inflammation that promotes "cytokines” Harmon.
Thus, this increased level of "cortisol" and "cytokines" is directly responsible for restlessness, interrupted sleep, depression, stress, anxiety, tension, hypertension, and fatigue .
A study has been done on meditation and found that when people practice meditation and yoga, they control their thoughts and thus help reduce "cytokines".
During meditation, brain scans find increased activity in areas directly correlated with decreased anxiety and depression, as well as increased tolerance for pain.
When we practice meditation, the default network is activated, when the mind is at rest and not focused on the outside world, and it has been found to improve memory, self-awareness and setting goals.
During meditation, several impulses were generated in the brain, these impulses are called waves. These impulses contain high levels of alpha waves, which reduce negative moods, tension, sadness and anger. Not only does it help reduce stress, but it also physically changes the shape and size of our brain.
During meditation, we control our thoughts, that is, the brain processes less information than it normally processes, and therefore the reduction in beta waves can be clearly seen in the CT scan report of the brain.
The scientist has proven that people who practice regular meditation, in their brain, gray matter is denser in the areas associated with learning, memory processing and emotion regulation. And yet, the amygdala, which deals with stress, blood pressure and fear, had reduced gray matter.
Meditation has also been shown to improve irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Yoga and meditation help improve concentration by focusing on a particular point, that is, to improve neural continuity and thus reduce mental diversion, one of the causes of stress, anxiety and depression.
Our cerebral prefrontal cortex (which covers the front part) responsible for processing information related to planning, behavior, personality expression, decision-making, speech, language, fear, our expression, etc. to control our expression or our reaction to stress and anxiety.

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Benefits of Yoga

Yoga means "control" and "connection" i.e. it controls our physical body and connects it to our mind, our brain, to give an inner feeling of spirituality with relaxation and flexibility in the body.
Yoga helps bring physical and mental well-being and spiritual vibration to the lives of humans. Yoga focuses more on physical fitness than mental and spiritual practices and consists mainly of breathing practices with body postures and body stretching.
It includes breathing exercises, meditation and poses designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress.

Here are the benefits of yoga which are scientifically proven.

1. Yoga benefits to calm the mind and reduce stress

By doing yoga, we control our breathing, relax our body, pay attention to a thought by applying pressure to a particular part of our body, it helps to control the secretion of the harmon "cortisol" which is responsible for stress.

Yoga benefits to calm the mind and reduce stress
Yoga benefits to calm the mind and reduce stress

2. Yoga benefits to Control Heartbeat and Breathing

Peoples who practices yoga regularly, they are able to control their heartbeat and effectively slow breathing. Thus, high blood pressure can be controlled by controlling the heart rate. The breathing practices of yoga increase the process of oxygenating the blood, which allows the body to get more oxygen-rich blood to improve metabolism. People feel more energetic after doing yoga because their blood becomes rich in oxygen.

3. Yoga benefits to improve the body's immune system

The body's immune system helps us kill harmful germs that enter our bodies. Yoga, including breathing exercises, helps improve the strength of our body organ and therefore strengthens our immune system.

4. Yoga benefits to reduce anxiety

As yoga connect our physical, mental and spiritual well-being, it provides relaxation and a feeling of happiness. It concentrated our mind from several thoughts to one thought and thus reduced anxiety.

5. Benefits of yoga to improve memory and control aging

The frontal and hippocampal parts of our brain are responsible for storing and coding memory. Human aging causes the frontal lobe to shrink and the hippocampus area of ​​the brain causes memory loss or reduces memory coding ability.
Yoga helps to improve the function of the frontal part and the hippocampus of the brain thus improves the power of memory.
Yoga improves the ability to focus on one particular point, that is, improves the level of concentration, which helps to recall memories.

6. Benefits of yoga to reduce depression

Hormonal changes due to workload, social relationships, bad expression, excessive thinking due to failure, chemical changes in the brain, certain medical conditions and stress are the main causes of depression. It shows abnormalities in the subcortical limbic brain regions.
Yoga helps reduce the secretion of inflammatory chemicals in the brain, the "cytokine", which is mainly released during stress and is responsible for our feelings and depression.
Yoga improves concentration and helps the brain in decision making, it promotes positive thinking and thus reduces depression.

7. The benefits of yoga to strengthen the will and ability to carry pain.

Thalamus transmits signals to the cerebral cortex where the brain processes and decodes it. Yoga helps to control this decoding and this reaction of the brain by controlling the impulses of the neurons, which also makes it possible to control the sensation and the pain.

8. Benefits of Yoga to Improve Body Flexibility and Strength

Regular practice of many yoga poses definitely improves the flexibility and balance of the body. As yoga includes physical exercise and balance, it also helps improve strength.

9. Benefits of yoga to relieve migraines

While practicing yoga, our brain controls our breathing and optimizes its thought processing energy, then reaches a state of calm, thus feeling more relaxed.
This process is responsible for stimulating the vagus nerve (it is connected to the vocal cords and muscles in the back of the throat), which helps reduce migraines.

10. Benefits of Yoga to Increase Creativity

As yoga helps to focus on a particular thought while avoiding distraction from the mind, it improves clarity and creativity because the peaceful mind can think strongly with positive energy.

11. Benefits of yoga to improve the digestive system

There are many yoga poses that can help stimulate the digestive hormone by applying pressure to a particular part of the body, which helps improve the digestive system.

12. Benefits of yoga to relieve muscle pain

Different yoga poses that can help relieve muscle pain.

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation causes your brain to focus on a particular task or helps it to become thoughtless, thereby preventing distraction in the mind.
Here are the benefits of scientifically proven meditation.

1. Meditation helps reduce stress

When a person is under stress, the level of "cortisol", a cerebral Harmon, increases by producing an inflammation favoring the chemical "cytokines" and this increased level of "cortisol" and "cytokines" directly responsible for fatigue due to stress.
Mindfulness meditation helps reduce the secretion of "cortisol" which is responsible for stress.

Meditation helps reduce stress
Meditation helps reduce stress

2. Meditation Helps Reduce Anxiety

Several scientific studies have shown that people who practice meditation regularly are able to control their thoughts and successfully reduce the symptoms of anxiety disorders, such as fear, unusual imagination and thinking, phobias and neurotic compulsive behaviour.

3. Meditation benefits to control pain

Our spinal cord carries signals from receptors to the brain. The thalamus receives the signals and then passes to the cerebral cortex, a part of the brain, to process and react. Since meditation helps control the brain's reaction by controlling the impulses of neurons, people who practice regular meditation are also able to control their feelings and pain. Meditation helps control the feeling of chronic pain from illness and acute pain from physical injury.

4. Meditation benefits to improve memory

Meditation helps to improve the function of the front and hippocampus of the brain which are responsible for storing and encoding memory.
Human aging causes the frontal lobe to shrink and the hippocampus area of ​​the brain causes memory loss or reduces memory coding ability.
As meditation improves the ability to focus on one particular point, that is, to improve the level of concentration, it helps to recall memories.

5. Meditation Can Reduce Depression

Depression is one of the mental disorders that can be caused by hormonal changes due to workload, social relationships, poor expression, excessive thinking due to failure, chemical changes in the brain, certain medical conditions and stress. It shows abnormalities in the subcortical limbic brain regions.
Meditation helps reduce the secretion of brain inflammatory chemicals, i.e. the cytokine which is mainly released during stress and responsible for our feelings and depression.
As meditation improves concentration and helps the brain in decision making, it promotes positive thinking and thus reduces depression.

6. Meditation helps to activate your inner energy and improve self-esteem

It has been observed that these peoples practice regular meditation, their self-esteem has improved and they still think positively. These peoples have better control over their thoughts, and this helps them to understand each other better. These people are becoming more creative and free from fear of failure.

7. Meditation improves attention strength

Meditation helps to simultaneously control the processing of your infinite thoughts by your brain by focusing on one thought and then freeing the brain from overload. This practice helps improve the strength of attention.
This certainly has advantages for students and workers whose work is linked to paying particular attention to a particular task for a long time. Improved attention span can be more beneficial for an error-free task as it will help the worker avoid errors.

8. Meditation benefits to normalize blood pressure

It has been proven that our thoughts, feelings, reactions, responses and actions can directly affect our blood pressure. When we are stressed or scared or have a fear factor, we may notice that our heart beats faster and that when we feel safe, it normalizes. Likewise, when we practice meditation, we focus on a particular thought, then at the next level, our brain freed from all thought is therefore a state of complete relaxation. At this point, we breathe very slowly, we control our heartbeats without knowing it. Regular meditation helps to control your brain signals, control nerve impulses and therefore control the heart pumping function which is directly related to your blood pressure.

10. Meditation benefits to develop kindness personality

Kind people are more friendly, pleasant and warm to people. Everyone loves such a person and always tries to stay with them. Meditation helps develop mental discipline and improve positive thinking, control actions, learn to forgive.

11. Meditation can stop bad addictions

Addiction like smoking, alcohol consumption and sometimes too much food are directly linked to the release of certain chemicals by stimulating the brain. Meditation controls brain impulses, thereby regulating the hormonal secretion of the different glands. Meditation increases will power, self-control and improves emotional control, which helps stop addictions.

12. Meditation benefits to improve oxygenation process

Hypoxemia, a deficiency of oxygen in the blood, causes breathing or circulation problems and can cause shortness of breath. In meditation, we control our breathing and blood flow by controlling lung and heart function.
At the initial stage of meditation, we take a deep breath and hold it longer, this allows oxygen to mix well in the blood. Thus, increasing the level of oxygen in the blood helps prevent hypoxemia.
Meditation helps increase the partial pressure of oxygen, which results in an increase in the level of oxygen in the blood, thus increasing the saturation of haemoglobin.

13. Meditation can reduce restlessness

Insomnia is one of the types of phycological, metallic illnesses linked to your sleep patterns or lack of sleep. This has been a common problem for the past few days and caused by too much thinking, recalling memories, future planning and multitasking.
Meditation helps to control our thoughts and to relax our body thus helps to sleep well for a long time.

Yoga and meditation help improve our physical and mental health by controlling our thoughts, relaxing the body, and controlling the vital parts of organs like the brain, heart, and lungs. Thus, it helps reduce stress, anxiety, depression, tension, blood pressure and improve attention, flexibility, kindness, willpower, positive thoughts and much more.

For mental and spiritual renewal, the path of deliberately removing your energy and attention from external distraction has been used in all traditions in different periods. By taking part in various processes specifically designed to take our commonly active mind beyond that, we experience extraordinary peace and new vitality that forms part of our daily lives.

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